The Meaning of the word "Didasko"


Why did we choose the name "Didasko" for our free, online video-based missions training? Read on ...

Our name

The Greek word “didasko": διδάσκω (phonetic did-as'-ko) in Matthew 28:20 is the word for “teaching” which Jesus used when He gave the Great Commission:

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:18-20).

According to Thayer's Greek Dictionary, “didasko” means “to teach.” We will teach you, totally for free, all about the fascinating world of missions. Try it out. Warning: it might change your life drastically - for the better!


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Our logo

 The capital “D” in “Didasko” is the Greek letter delta, a triangle: Δ. Hence our logo is a stylized triangle.


Our slogan

Our slogan "helping to develop more effective Kingdom workers" is intended to keep us and our partners focussed on the main task God has given us.

Our hope is that God will use Didasko to help to develop more effective Kingdom workers, who will go and make disciples in Unreached People Groups.

By using the word “helping” in the slogan, we reflect our belief that we are in a supporting servant role to those who play a primary role in the task of expanding God’s Kingdom: those front-line workers who go to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19).

By “develop” we mean to inspire, mobilize, disciple and help Christians so that they will be able to better live out God’s calling in their lives.

By “more effective” we mean two things: (a) a larger number of workers, and (b) workers who are more effective at what they are doing. By “Kingdom workers” we mean Christians who are dedicated to the task of making disciples of all nations, with a special focus on the Unreached People Groups. In this group we include not only intercultural ministers, but also those people who are supporting them in various ways: sending church members, financial supporters, intercessors, active encouragers, administrators, logistical supporters, and so on.