A high quality resource for your agency

Think of Didasko's UPG-focussed training as a resource your agency gets free of charge. Almost like a super-charged book!

Instead of requiring new missionaries to read certain books, you can let them complete selected courses on Didasko. The advantage Didasko has over books is that graduates can email you their digitally-signed course certificate as proof of completion.

We invite you to let some applicants do some of the courses and ask them how it went.

No need to re-invent the wheel!

Because you can use Didasko courses for free, there's no need to re-invent the wheel when it comes to training! Use as much or as little of our material as you like. Some agencies and training schools even use only selected videos from our courses.

Augment your orientation program

Augment your existing new member orientation program by faciltating a Didasko course at the venue. Or if you prefer, you can require applicants to complete selected courses beforehand. These they can do online at their own pace. For example, some missions agencies require new members to complete our Discovering Missions Series before joining their organization.

Discovering Missions Series (Bible, Missions 101, Roles in Missions)

Upskill your teams on the field - Life-long learning

Re-energize and re-envision existing missionary teams using Didasko courses!

Missionaries can do the training online at their own pace as individuals, or face-to-face as a team. Our more advanced courses work well for life-long learning for teams on the field. We are constantly developing new advanced and specialized courses.

You can use our more advanced courses to train or refresh on-field teams. Your team leaders can serve as course facilitators – a course facilitator does not have to be an expert in the course material, but needs only follow the course facilitator’s guide.

Missions ministry courses

Existing partners

We are already collaborating with the Vision 5.9 network, Encountering Muslims, and World Outreach in course development. In addition to independent students from over 40 countries, organizations using our courses are the Asian Center for Missions in the Philippines and World Outreach International.

Facilitate/coach courses using your own staff

You can also use the Didasko introductory series of courses as a recruitment tool for new missionaries. Some agencies are using their staff to facilitate the courses in churches, bible schools, etc. You are free to advertise your agency as much as you like when presenting courses facilitated by your staff.

You can train your own facilitators using our online facilitator training. Facilitation guides for each course are made available to trained facilitators. If you have questions regarding this, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page.

More on course facilitation

Just-in-time training

Our training model makes it possible to train your staff just before they need to start applying what they’ve learned. Adults prefer to learn this way.

Applicants to your agency can get training in the basics of missions from early on in their journey with you. They can do Bible and Missions, Missions 101, and My Roles in Missions (to confirm their calling).

Just before they start raising support, they can do Personal Fundraising for Missionaries, which helps them throughout the fundraising process. For example to work out a multi-currency budget, to make a presentation booklet, set targets, and so on.

Once they reach the field they can do the Fruitful Practices Course, perhaps in their team setting.

Find out how our courses work

Contribute your agency’s expertise

All our courses are developed and taught by experts on their topic. You can partner with us by contributing your expertise through development of new course material. Not all experienced missionaries are good at course development, but we have experience in assisting experts in developing courses.

How our collaboration works

Evaluate our courses without having to actually do them

If you’d like to evaluate our courses, we have a short-cut for you. You can download course evaluator guides to see what content each course covers. And / or you can enroll in any of the courses (for free of course, just like regular students) and have a look around the course.

Read about and get our Evaluator Guides

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