We are joyful and grateful participants in what God is doing in the world today, so we are intentionally pursuing to live with an attitude of loving obedience and prayerful dependence on God. Here are what we value:

Abiding in Christ

All contributors to Didasko Academy are followers of Jesus first and foremost. Therefore, we value a vibrant relationship with God, loving Him with all our hearts, with all our minds, and with all our strength (Luk 10:27). We seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness (Mat 6:33, 1 Ki 2:3).

Honour God in all we do

We seek to honour God in all we do (Mat 6:9) and acknowledge that we are dependent upon Him in all our undertakings (Ps 18:32; 1 Cor 3:6). We express this dependence by abiding in Christ (Jn 15:1-8). Our goal is to be constantly led by the Holy Spirit..


We are motivated by the vision God has given us and driven by our love for God, our neighbour, and the lost (Jn 14:15). Our highest ambition is to seek the Kingdom of God before all else (Mat 6:33). Each volunteer serving with Didasko is committed because they feel called to this ministry’s vision, rather than financial gain or influence.

“We should work as if everything depended upon our efforts, and pray as if everything depended upon God” (Augustine of Hippo)

Open and honest communication

We seek to love our neighbours as we love ourselves (Mat 22:39). This brotherly love is evident in mutual respect, honesty, transparency and trust — within the Didasko development team, and also with all our ministry partners. Therefore, we value openness and honesty in communication, as well as constructive criticism (Mat 18:15-17).


We strive for integrity in our attitude, our words, and our deeds, because we know that God finds pleasure in such an attitude (1 Chr 29:17). We aim to be loyal and trustworthy (2 Sam 22:26). We accept the financial responsibility of the resources God has entrusted to us, as well as good stewardship of our time.


Didasko Academy’s leadership is spiritually accountable to World Outreach International, and to our individual sending churches and ministry partners.

Furthermore, we also believe in "one-another" accountability. Therefore, all our courses are subject to peer reviews, and all courses are beta-tested by a number of volunteers before being released. As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another (Proverbs 27:17).

Collaboration and Unity

We strive to promote unity not only in our ministry, but also in the wider body of Christ (Jn 17:21, Mk 9:50b, Rom 15:5). For this reason, we collaborate with churches, ministries and individuals that also embrace the principles of the Lausanne Covenant and wish to contribute to the completion of the Great Commission. We aim to make our training and other products readily accessible to all Christians, no matter what their ethnicity, language, location, and socio-economic status. We strive for collaboration that is open-handed and selfless, without domination by any single participating party.


Excellence honours god. Therefore, we strive for excellence in all we undertake, and work at it with our whole being (Col 3:23-24). We constantly seek to improve in the areas of academic standards, organizational management, and financial stewardship (Phil 4:8). We value thorough research and development, combined with expert peer review. We do not wish that our teachings be merely the opinion of one person or group, but rather an expression of the collective wisdom and knowledge of the body of Christ.

Creativity, innovation and flexibility

We value creativity and innovation. We want to stay relevant by being innovative and flexible in a changing world, without compromising biblical principles. Therefore, we value willingness to change methods and practices when necessary.

Life-long learning

Didasko Academy values the ongoing and self-motivated pursuit of knowledge and wisdom. Firstly, we strive to grow in our knowledge and relationship with Jesus (Eph 1:17). Secondly, we pursue the gaining of knowledge and wisdom in the areas of theology and missiology, and improvement of skills and character.

Transformation, not just knowledge

Our goal is not just to train and educate Christians about missions; we want practitioners who can apply what they have learned, so that individuals and communities will be transformed. Our goal is to empower people to thrive and do ministry better.

Freely you have received, freely give

Because we have freely received God’s grace and forgiveness, and He provides for us in all we do, we want to give freely (Mat 10:8b). Therefore, we aim to make all our courses and other products available free of charge as far as is possible.