The Didasko Facilitator's Code of Conduct is based on Col 3:23: Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord, rather than for people.
All Didasko course Facilitators agree to abide by this code of conduct:
- I agree with Didasko's Statement of Faith. See
- I will maintain Christian character when interacting with students, pastors and others involved with Didasko Academy. I agree to exhibit the fruit of the Holy Spirit as described in Galatians 5:22-23.
- I will strive for excellence (Col 3:23-24), be well-prepared, and “prayed-up”.
- I will show respect to others, their denominations and beliefs at all times.
- I will strive to promote unity not only amongst the group I am facilitating, but also in the wider body of Christ (Jn 17:21, Mk 9:50b, Rom 15:5).
- I will not be insulting or judgemental (Matthew 7:1-2), and I will not post inappropriate comments (Ephesians 4:29) on social media or on the discussion forums.
- I will not demean or ridicule others if their English or computer skills are not good.
- I will not advertise any commercial material or products during the courses.
- I understand that all Didasko courses are free of charge to the students, and therefore I will not charge the students any course fees. Students have to pay for their own internet connections.
- If I have costs (e.g. venue rental, refreshments, payments for Zoom, Internet café fees etc.) I will either cover these costs myself, or charge the students a reasonable fee to cover my costs. I will make it clear to them that they are covering my costs, and not paying for the course.
- I will commit to complete facilitating each course that I started.
- I am in agreement with Didasko's values. Click What we value to read.
I understand that if I do not abide by this agreement, I will lose the privilege to be a Didasko facilitator.