Partner with us today!
By check:
Please make your check payable to ‘Didasko Missions Academy, Inc’ and send to:
657 Riddler Ridge Dr, Blacklick, Ohio 43004, USA. Request donation tax receipt
Help us prepare more effective Kingdom workers! Your contribution can help prepare a Nigerian missionary become an effective church planter in an animist community, or empower a Filipino overseas worker to reach out to Muslims, help an Indian church planter learn how to fund his ministry locally, or fund an American missionary in studying how to reach Buddhists in Laos. At Didasko Missions Academy, we are committed to bringing missions training to such people - totally free of charge.
Please make your check payable to ‘Didasko Missions Academy, Inc’ and send to:
657 Riddler Ridge Dr, Blacklick, Ohio 43004, USA. Request donation tax receipt
Didasko Missions Academy is a faith-based organisation, which means we rely on Christians to fund our ministry. We value and recognise our financial partners as an indispensable part of our work. Prayerfully consider how God may want you to contribute. Didasko Missions Academy, Inc is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
When you give to Didasko Missions Academy, you help enhance the ministries of many missionaries and missionaries-to-be through our free training courses, and in the future through courses currently under development. Pay it forward towards the fulfilment of the Great Commission!
Didasko Missions Academy is a 501(c)(3) organization, so all US donations are tax-deductible.