Betsy Vermont*, co-founder and Senior Researcher and course developer
Betsy is the co-founder of Didasko. She researches and writes course material, and does video editing.
Betsy and her husband Henry were missionaries among the "Iso" Mus1im people group on the east African coast for ten years. They had to learn two languages: the trade language of the country and the undocumented tribal language of the people. The Iso people were not literate in their own language, so Betsy became proficient in oral training methods, especially teaching illiterate people to do Bible storytelling. She discipled a small fellowship of female Iso believers for more than five years.
Betsy has served with her husband as course leaders for World Outreach’s “Nations” Course. She has trained missionaries in several countries in Africa, Asia, and New Zealand. Together with her husband, she was on the Nations course development team, assisting in the ongoing development of courses, especially the ‘Orality’ course.
Betsy is a Core Coaching Skills graduate, and does informal coaching.
Betsy has a Master's degree in Missiology from theSouth African Theological Seminary, and holds two undergraduate degrees: a BA degree in languages (Afrikaans, German and Hebrew), and a B.Bibl degree in Library and Information Sciences.
Betsy and Henry have two children. Their daughter, Esté, is married, has two children and lives in the US. Their son Adriaan died in 2010.