Preparing more effective Kingdom workers ...

Update on Didasko

Since launching in March 2019, Didasko Academy is firmly established. We now have six courses running, and by the grace of God our student numbers are steadily increasing. Students are from all over the world, including places like the USA, Australia, Jamaica, Zimbabwe and Myanmar. Because Didasko is on the internet, it no longer matters where we are based. We are thankful to the Lord that He has given us a ministry that is independent of where we live, especially in this phase of our lives.

Exciting personal news

Most of you know that our daughter Esté, her husband Matt and our two grandchildren live in the USA. Over the last few years we have been praying a lot, asking the Lord if we may move there to be closer to them. Up to recently, the answer has always been "not yet". But now we feel that the Lord has given us the green light to go. To make our move to America possible we have to apply for long-stay visas similar to what we had in Mozambique and here in S-E Asia. We plan to start the application soon. This process is complicated and can take anything from six months to a year. Please pray with us that we will be able to move there before the end of this year.

Upon hearing of our intended move, a friend in the USA wrote the following to us, "When you were here [2019] I was thinking that the Lord was calling you to the US to be closer to Esté, Matt and the grandkids. You should be proud of all that you have done in the ministry to date, this is the next phase and the Lord is in it". This was only one of the confirmations we have received.

We are not leaving World Outreach, and in terms of Didasko, nothing is going to change. Being based in America could have many benefits for the ministry, because there is excellent internet and a potential source of retired missionaries who may be able to help us with course development and presentation.

We are confident of God's faithfulness and we know that He will be carrying us through this process. Speaking of God's faithfulness, if you are not subscribed to Bets' blog, why don't you check out her latest post called "What does your miracle look like?" Click here:

A testimony from S-E Asia

Since launching our latest course, "Fundraising for Missionaries", we have had a record number of registrations - 36 in one week! Even though it is very encouraging to see the student numbers growing, our goal is not good statistics, but rather helping people become more effective on the field. We received the following testimony from a WO team member ministering in S-E Asia regarding Didasko's "Discipling the Nations" course:

Thank you have much for the Didasko courses. They very much blessed me and now I have better understanding of our ministry. Before I didn't quite understand about our job to start a CPM [church planting movement]. Also the statistics were very helpful. After seeing the videos I have more inspiration / enthusiasm again to share the gospel through seed sowing.
Again, thank you very much.

Getting such feedback encourages us greatly! Praise the Lord for His goodness! If you are interested in reading more such testimonies, click here:

The Corona virus

The Chinese woman translating our video subtitles reports that she is under lock-down in her home town. Please pray for her and all the people of China. Please pray for us too, as the virus has already reached the country we live in.

Quote of the day

With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible”, Jesus (Mat 19:26)

"It always seems impossible until it’s done", Nelson Mandela.