Preparing more effective Kingdom workers ...

Effect of the global lock down

Lock down measures here where we are based has been in place for over two months. God has the cure for cabin fever! Reading 2 Corinthians we came across a few verses that really jumped out to us and encouraged us, because we realised that we are actually just locked in, not locked down. So here is our lock down version of 2 Corinthians 4:7-9:

Even though we are living in challenging times, we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; locked down, but not abandoned.

Although we may be restricted in some ways, God is not in lock down - ever! He is still at work all over the world. Many Christians are practising Physical Distancing responsibly, without Social Distancing. How? Through the internet! Many people are now talking by WhatsApp or Zoom, and internet evangelism is booming! As for Didasko Academy, Christians from all over the world are finding time to do our online courses. New students are registering daily and the online discussion forums are busy. And whereas three months ago a good week showed 300 activities (an activity is watching a video, completing a test, etc), we haven't been under 2,000 per week for weeks! God is good.

Also on an exciting note, three sizeable missions organizations have let us know that they will be recommending our courses to their prospective missionaries. This is exactly what we envisioned to happen! We are so grateful to the Lord for this.

Feedback from our students

Are our courses effective? Here are some recent comments people have made on the discussion forums:

My gratitude to the organizers of this wonderful packaged turn around programme. I am very grateful to every one that has woken me up from my slumber. My life, Ministry and walk with God will never remain the same. Thank you and God bless - OTB, Nigeria

I really like the content and presentation of the course,its makes me easily grasp the answers and am happy study this course because it will also help me towards my dream becoming a missionary, thanks. - T, Cameroon

The [Bible and Missions] course was so exciting that I could not leave until I finish it. I am so blessed honestly. - J, Nigeria

I love the course. It is well designed and crafted. Thank you for the learning opportunity you provided for us. God continue to bless the works of your hand! - Cla, The Philippines

The Holy Spirit is busy changing my heart and there is still a lot of changing that needs to be done, but He is working in my heart through this course and it is good. - LP, South Africa

And then there is the testimony of a student who wrote to us after doing the Didasko courses. He wrote, telling us that he has been so inspired by our courses for missions, but he is too old to become a missionary. Therefore, he has decided that he still can do something and that he is going to mobilise people for missions. This was truly encouraging to us. Then, after looking at his profile on our learning management system, we realised that this dear man is 79 years old! God can, and will, use any one who is willing.

We received these screen dumps of our students from all over the world:

Image: Thumbs up for Didasko! Watching Henry on video
Facebook post about Didasko Virtual classroom in South Africa.

Learning together during lock down

Almost thirty South Africans enrolled for our 'Bible and Missions' course, facilitated by Ivan Venter. As they worked through the course content, they discussed what they were learning with one another and others using the online discussion forums, their own WhatsApp group, as well as "meeting" on Zoom.

Ivan is launching more groups, so if you are interested to learn all about missions during lock down, write to us. Perhaps you could even do the same in your area, even if you're learning yourself.

New project

So, what's next? Well, learning a new language is one of the biggest obstacles missionaries face. Little or no language resources exist for most Unreached People groups. Speaking the heart language of the people you are reaching out to is is known to be fruitful. Therefore, we have started to develop a language learning course in two parts.

The first part will be an online Didasko course teaching the basics - the 'why' and the 'what' of learning language. The second part will be an app for smartphones to help missionaries record even undocumented languages. Learners will be able to record phrases from a built-in curriculum, and then practice until they know them. The recordings will be synchronised to the internet so that other missionaries can also benefit in the future.

A random quote about a tooth

Our grandson recently lost a front tooth. Luckily, the 'tooth mouse' (in some countries it is called a 'tooth fairy') was not in lock down and came to fetch the tooth, leaving the required dollars that's on par with current rates for teeth.

We had a bit of a chuckle thinking about a note our son, Adriaan. After the 'tooth mouse' left him some money for his tooth when he was around five years old, he wrote us this note:

"I know you take the teeth. What do you do with the teeth?"

Good question, but one we persistently refused to answer. ;-)