Praise God for good news!

We asked for prayer in our recent newsletter because of Bets' health issues. What looked like a bladder infection turned out to be an abnormal growth in her uterus, as well as a huge cyst on her ovaries. The growth was taken out a week ago, and yesterday we were given the good news that it was not cancer. God gave Bets a dream prior to her becoming sick and His promise and encouragement gave us much peace throughout the whole process. There is still the issue of the cyst that causes pain and infection. The doctor plans to remove her ovaries but Bets wants to go for a second opinion. You will also remember that while she went through the pre-op tests for the removal of the growth, they discovered an abnormality in her ECG. She will have to go back to the cardiologist for that as well. Please keep on praying with us for wisdom and discernment.

We just launched a Leadership course!

School of Leadership logo

We helped Bruce Hills of World Outreach ( "coursify" his leadership training, resulting in the School of Leadership course. The course is aimed at both existing and aspiring Christian leaders who want to develop their leadership skills. It has proven to be an immediate hit with our existing students. May the Lord be glorified as more effective Kingdom workers are developed!

If you are interested to do this course, you can read more about it here:

Watch a short promotional video clip about this course here: (1 minute 30s)

Encouraging feedback from students keeps us going!

A student from Ethiopia wrote on the Discussion Forums:  "I serve the almighty God in my country, but I want to be more effective and fruitful to reach more generation for Christ worldwide. And I want to thank Didasko for giving me this life time chance."

Let's look to Jesus!

Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart (Hebrews 12:2-3).