Preparing more effective Kingdom workers ...


How good it is to praise the Lord and proclaim His loving devotion (Psalm 92:1-2)

In this newsletter we just want to praise the Lord for what He is doing through the ministry of Didasko Academy.

Exciting feedback from Ivan V, our Director of Organizational Growth

[AFM pastors graduation pic goes here]God is using Didasko all over for the glory of His name:

  • As a result of doing the Bible and Missions course, 12 Muslim background believers in Kenya have expressed their intention to become full time missionaries. Five of them are aiming to go to Unreached People Groups.
  • One of Didasko's graduates was so vocal about what he learnt on our courses that he was invited to talk about it on a local Christian radio station in South Africa.
  • The AFM denomination in South Africa has approved the Bible and Missions course as a professional development course for their pastors. The first group of 27 pastors who already completed it want the people in their churches to also do the course.
  • After presenting our courses at an Ethiopian bible school, Ivan was asked to be the main speaker at a graduation ceremony. Some of the students told him that as a result of the course they have started leading people to the Lord on the street.
  • Another denomination is looking into incorporating Didasko's courses into their service year for Christ.
  • A mission organization wants to start using Didasko courses to mobilize the Zambian church into reaching out to their Muslim neighbours.

Just a few testimonies from our students - out of hundreds more!

  • The Bible and Missions course has awoken me to start working on the Kingdom Program and getting involved in God's plan for this world. Thanks Henry and team for the clear manner in which this course was presented.
  • From the Missions 101 course: The greatest social injustice really is that people have not heard the Gospel. The fact that most missionaries go to reached people groups, and that only a small % of money goes toward Frontier missions is proof of this. Social injustice that results in physical deprivation of some sort is bad...but when people groups remain unreached in large numbers in this day and age, that is social injustice with eternal consequences.
  • The Fundraising for Missionaries course has made us rethink the way we view giving to missions - as something believers should be excited about because they are giving to God's work.... partnering with the missionaries in His work. We are looking forward to getting into the nuts and bolts of "how to"- in the rest of the course. Thank you Didasko.
  • From the Prayer and Ministry course: The teaching on the vine and the branches "in Him" being lifted up [John 15] is a new way, to me, of looking at what Jesus was saying... but it makes absolute sense to me, because that is what the Lord has done with me. I realised that, as I listened and reflected. Thank You, Father for being the ultimate Vine-dresser ... who lifts up the branches that are still connected to the Vine, but are lying on the ground, bearing no fruit. Thank You for lifting me up off the ground, giving me support and sustenance so that I can partake of the Life that is Jesus -  the true Vine - and bear fruit for Him.
  • From the Roles in Missions course: God has a role for each of His children, whether it be as part of the support network or the front line of the battle...and the reason one plants, another waters but only God brings the increase - is so that we cannot boast. Salvation is of the Lord. It is His doing. But He involves whoever is available to Him for service - and they are enabled by Him to do what He calls them to do.

Didasko's team is growing

In our previous newsletter we mentioned the Fruitful Practices course we launched in collaboration with the Vision 5.9 network. Dr. Don F, one of the team members from that network, has since started helping us with the development of new courses. He is a retired missionary with many years of experience. He is an answer to prayer! As a result, we can already see that our pace of course development is picking up.


Just our online certificates issued since we launched Didasko Academy are now over 530, with students from more than 40 countries. This does not include all the people who have completed face-to-face offline courses.

... For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever! (Romans 11:36)