Course development on steroids!

AthleteWe started this year like sprinters out of their blocks! God is moving and we are trying to keep up with Him.

Besides launching our Cross-Cultural Communication course, we are in different phases of development with five other courses. The three biggies that are getting most of our attention at this stage are Setting the Captives Free, Understanding Muslims-for the Sake of the Gospel, and Understanding Culture-for the Sake of the Gospel. The other two courses that are in the very early planning phases are Hearing God's Voice and a Church Planting course.

We really feel that there has been a shift in terms of possibilities to develop courses in collaboration with others. Just the Understanding Culture course mentioned above is solely our own development; all the others are in collaboration with others. Praise God for answering prayers, be cause collaborating with others in their fields of expertise was one of our goals from the start!

Disciple Making Movements (DMM) Training

Discipleship trainingBets helping




God has opened the door for us to start DMM training at our church. We have 24 very excited participants who want to start Bible study groups in various settings, with the goal of starting Micro Churches. Just some background - our church is called "Collision church", which is an unusual name for a church! This is because church focusses on reaching drug addicts, homeless people, the 'sick ones who need a doctor' that Jesus spoke about in Luke 5:31-32. The church is helping them to get free through Jesus. The church' s motto is "Where brokenness meets grace" - hence 'collision'! We never once thought that we would have the chance to impart some of the things we learned on the mission field to people in America, but here we are doing just that! We are walking on clouds!

Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders labor in vain (Ps 127:1)

Prayer imageSamuel Zwemer, a famous missionary, once said "The history of missions is the history of answered prayer." We couldn't agree more. Therefore, we felt t hat it was time to expand Didasko's prayer foundation, and have started sending out a weekly, VERY short prayer email. These prayer requests focus on issues specifically aimed at Didasko as an organization and our students. Join us in praying that the Lord of the harvest send out workers (Matthew 9: 37-38)! To receive these short messages weekly, please email and we will a add you to the list.

Solar Eclipse

Psalm 139:12, even the darkness is not dark to You, but the night shines like the day, for darkness is as light to You (BSB).

Staring at the EclipseWatching the solar eclipse with our daughter and grand kids was a blast! We were just outside the path to see a full eclipse, but what a sight! Seeing and feeling how everything got darker, with an almost eerie feeling, our excitement just grew, which made for an unforgettable experience. Having South African scones to celebrate the occasion put this day in the list of our top be st memories!

Joyful and Grateful Participants ...

We echo the words of author David Garrison, who once said "We are simply joyful and grateful participants" in what God is doing!

Join us in proclaiming that "for from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever!"  (Romans 11:36)